Wyndham and Derby ports set to be upgraded to support the Kimberley

A re-elected Cook Labor Government will deliver a $15.5 million upgrade to Wyndham and Derby ports to boost the Kimberley’s capacity to receive freight by sea, helping to create jobs and make the region’s supply chains more resilient to natural disasters.
  • $15.5 million upgrades at Kimberley ports to improve disaster resilience and create jobs
  • Significant works aimed at enabling international freight through Wyndham Port
  • Action will reduce supply disruptions when road and air networks are hit by natural disasters

A re-elected Cook Labor Government will deliver a $15.5 million upgrade to Wyndham and Derby ports to boost the Kimberley’s capacity to receive freight by sea, helping to create jobs and make the region’s supply chains more resilient to natural disasters.

Significant $14 million works will be undertaken at Wyndham Port to support its certification with First Point of Entry (FPOE) status by the Albanese Government – meaning it can receive international freight.

Achieving FPOE status will enable general cargo as well as import and export trade, which will help create local jobs while providing supply chain resilience when the Kimberley’s road and air networks are disrupted by natural disasters.

This will help guard against shortages of food and supplies if the region is cut off from Perth and Darwin during severe flooding in the wet season.

Upgrades at the Port of Wyndham will include border and biosecurity facilities, laboratories, health facilities, a container wash and treatment plant, new container yard, inspection stand and handling equipment.

Derby Port’s ageing existing temporary barge landing ramp will be replaced with a new permanent ramp at a cost of $1.5 million. This will enhance the town’s ability to receive domestic freight by sea when required.

Local resource sector projects in the East Kimberley, such as the extraction of mineral sands and critical minerals, will also benefit as materials for these projects are currently sourced by road from Darwin, Perth or Port Hedland.

These port upgrades follow the Cook Labor Government’s recent commitment to revitalise the historical Wyndham Port precinct with the development of a new concept plan and business case, which will allow Wyndham to take better advantage of tourism opportunities, generate jobs and improve quality of life in the town.

Comments attributed to Premier Roger Cook:

“My vision for the Kimberley region is to ensure it shines bright as our most northern jewel of our State. It is the first port of call for many crossing the northern border into WA, and home to many more."

“Enabling international freight through Wyndham will open up significant opportunities for business and will support jobs in the Kimberley region."

“We’ve experienced firsthand the impacts of our Kimberley towns being cut off by road in recent natural disasters and seasonal flooding. Upgrades at both ports will guard against supply chain disruptions."

“These port upgrades will help alleviate the pressures on trucking activity which are forced to do the 1,200km detour if the roads to the Kimberley are cut off, as well as improve logistics generally, especially in emergency relief efforts with the ability to unload general cargo at these ports.”

Comments attributed to Kimberley MLA Divina D’Anna:

“This demonstrates the Cook Labor Government’s continued investment in the Kimberley and its priority in doing what’s right for our region."

“These upgrades will make a real impact on our ability to get food and other supplies into the Kimberley when we are experiencing floods, making sure local people have the supplies they need in times of disaster.”