A re-elected Cook Labor Government will provide $3.5 million to deliver upgrades to William Bay National Park on Western Australia’s south coast.
WA Labor’s commitment will improve access to popular Great Southern visitor destinations Greens Pool and Elephant Rocks, including construction of new boardwalks and sealed paths.
The upgrades also include a realignment of the Munda Biddi Trail, to direct off-road cyclists away from the often-busy William Bay Road.
WA Labor’s commitments include:
This commitment builds on the WA Labor Government’s completed work to renew ageing visitor infrastructure in Wiliam Bay National Park and protect fragile coastal vegetation, including adding more than 200 parking bays, lookouts, toilet blocks, picnic tables, bicycle racks and signage.
Comments attributed to Environment Minister Reece Whitby:
“Greens Pool and Elephant Rocks are the jewels in the crown of William Bay National Park, and we want to ensure visitors can enjoy these attractions for generations to come."
“These upgrades will enhance the visitor experience and improve sustainable access in the park, while creating regional jobs and supporting local businesses in the Great Southern region.”
Comments attributed to Warren-Blackwood MLA Jane Kelsbie:
“Greens Pool and Elephant Rocks are iconic destinations in our region. With increasing visitor numbers each year, it’s essential that any infrastructure we deliver is high-quality and sustainable."
“This $3.5 million investment in William Bay National Park will upgrade access paths to protect our environment while enhancing accessibility, ensuring we preserve the natural landscapes."
“The realignment of the Munda Biddi Trail is a game-changer for cyclists. By moving the trail off William Bay Road, we’re making one of the world’s longest off-road cycle trails safer and more enjoyable, while also encouraging more people to ride to William Bay.”