WA Labor to slash congestion on northern suburbs roads

A re-elected Cook Labor Government will deliver a major package of road upgrades to address congestion hot spots in Perth's northern suburbs. Number one on the list will be the Reid Highway and Erindale Road intersection which has the title of being the worst intersection for congestion in Western Australia.
  • WA Labor unveils major roads package for Perth’s northern suburbs
  • Perth’s worst congestion hotspot at Erindale Road and Reid Highway to be fixed
  • Major upgrades to be delivered on Wanneroo Road
  • Funding will also be provided to fix intersections in Morley and Craigie

A re-elected Cook Labor Government will deliver a major package of road upgrades to address congestion hot spots in Perth's northern suburbs. Number one on the list will be the Reid Highway and Erindale Road intersection which has the title of being the worst intersection for congestion in Western Australia.

A total of $225 million will be invested by a WA Labor Government to build a new grade separated interchange at the intersection, significantly easing the congestion that currently impacts the area. The WA Labor Government would seek a matching contribution from the Federal Government to deliver the $450 million project.

Congestion at the intersection is estimated to have cost the WA economy $21.3 million in 2023-24, with the number of vehicles moving through the intersection each day increasing by around 10 per cent since 2019. The congestion will only worsen in the years ahead, with the current daily traffic volumes expected to increase from 60,000 to 111,000 by 2054.

Reid Highway is a critical East-West corridor for the northern suburbs, and the Reid Highway and Erindale Road Interchange is the last at-grade intersection between Mitchell Freeway and Tonkin Highway.

The roads package will also include a $35.85 million program of works to deliver a range of upgrades to intersections along Wanneroo Road including:

  • Warwick Road – Additional right turn lane on Wanneroo Road, left turn lane modifications on Wanneroo Road, and turn lane extensions.
  • Hepburn Avenue – Widening the median of Hepburn Avenue to enable a double right turn. Median widening on Wanneroo Road to enable double right turn from Wanneroo Road northbound to Hepburn Avenue westbound.
  • Gnangara Road – Advanced detector loops to improve queue detection and signal optimisation.
  • East Road – Realigning Wanneroo Road southbound carriageway further to the west, to bring forward to give way line on East Road to improve sight lines.
  • Eliot Road – Install left slip lane on Wanneroo Road, new island, kerbing and upgraded paths.
  • Whitfords Ave to Gnangara Rd connection – Planning to complete concept design work for the Whitfords Ave to Gnangara Road connection.

Funding will also be provided to upgrade intersections in Morley and Craigie including:

  • $4 million to fix the McGilvray Avenue and Morley Drive intersection with improved road layout
  • A contribution of $3.5 million to build a roundabout at the intersection of Craigie Leisure Centre Whitfords Avenue and create a new access road into Pinnaroo Valley Memorial Park

Comments attributed to Premier Roger Cook:

“WA Labor recognises the critical need to continue investment in the transport network to ensure we keep our city moving and reduce congestion on our roads."

“The Reid Highway and Erindale Road intersection is the worst congestion hot spot in the State, and under a re-elected WA Labor Government, we’ll fix it."

“The congestion at that intersection is costing our economy more than $20 million every year and creating frustration for thousands of drivers every day."

“Only WA Labor has a vision to deliver the transport infrastructure our state needs to keep moving forward, grow the economy and create jobs.”