WA Labor to invest $20 million in delivering Pringle Village Stage 2

A re-elected Cook Labor Government will invest $20 million towards the expansion of popular independent living facility Pringle Village in Kalgoorlie-Boulder.
  • Re-elected Cook Labor Government to provide $20 million for Pringle Village Stage 2
  • Commitment to fund up to 40 two-bedroom units for seniors who are independently living in Kalgoorlie-Boulder and looking to downsize their housing
  • WA Labor Government has already granted land adjoining Pringle Village for expansion

A re-elected Cook Labor Government will invest $20 million towards the expansion of popular independent living facility Pringle Village in Kalgoorlie-Boulder.

WA Labor’s commitment to the construction of Pringle Village Stage 2 will provide much-needed accommodation for ageing Kalgoorlie-Boulder residents who are living independently but looking to downsize their home, ensuring they have suitable housing options to stay in their community.

The construction of 40 additional two-bedroom units will also free up houses for sale and rent elsewhere in the Kalgoorlie region.

Pringle Village in Lamington is operated by not-for-profit seniors’ accommodation provider Goldfields Masonic Homes. The $13.4 million Stage 1 opened in 2019 as a 49-unit retirement village.

WA Labor’s commitment to Stage 2 builds on previous support for Pringle Village provided by the Cook Labor Government, including:

  • Granting 15.6 hectares of land to Goldfields Masonic Homes, in preparation for the construction of Stage 2; and
  • $10 million in funding to deliver the successful, $13.4 million Stage 1 project, with 49 two-bedroom units completed in 2019.

Comments attributed to Housing and Lands Minister John Carey:

“WA Labor has been behind Pringle Village since day one – we funded Stage 1, gifted the land for Stage 2 and now we’re underpinning construction of its expansion."

“This is an important commitment to provide more housing for Kalgoorlie-Boulder residents as they age, and ensure they can continue to live and access facilities in their community well into their senior years.”

Comments attributed to Kalgoorlie MLA Ali Kent:

“Seniors are the fastest growing demographic in Kalgoorlie-Boulder, so this commitment is important to future-proof our community and ensure it continues to grow and thrive."

“Only a re-elected Cook Labor Government has a plan and the necessary support to deliver major investment in the expansion of Pringle Village for the residents of Kalgoorlie-Boulder.”