An additional $15.5 million will be contributed to upgrade the Leschenault Leisure Centre in Australind under a re-elected Cook Labor Government.
Leschenault Leisure Centre is a key community hub for the South West region, with an aquatic facility, health and fitness centre, squash courts, cafe, creche and function centre.
The expansion will likely include four additional full-sized courts, spectator seating, a retractable grandstand, mezzanine level for additional viewing and events, and improved change facilities.
The upgraded facility will cater for growing demand and allow the centre to start hosting state and regional basketball and netball competitions.
This announcement reflects WA Labor’s commitment to improving sporting facilities across the State and builds on the Cook Labor Government’s unprecedented investment in local infrastructure to help more Western Australians play sport and stay connected to their communities.
Comments attributed to Premier Roger Cook:
“Recreation and leisure centres form such important part of our communities, particularly in our regions."
“Not only do they support healthier lifestyles through sport and physical activity, they also bring people together and create a sense of community."
“These major upgrades will help ensure more people in Australind and surrounding areas are able to participate and engage in community sport, whether they’re on the court or cheering from the sideline.”
Comments attributed to Murray-Wellington MLA Robyn Clarke:
“The Leschenault Leisure Centre is an integral part of the sporting community for residents of Australind and surrounding towns and WA Labor is committed to supporting them by funding the infrastructure they need."
“These important upgrades will ensure Leschenault Leisure Centre is able to better meet growing demand, supporting more locals to participate in community sport and recreation."
Comments attributed to Collie-Preston MLA Jodie Hanns:
“This is a major win for the Australind and surrounding communities, and I am very proud WA Labor is supporting these upgrades."
"As well as delivering so much benefit to our local community, this investment will enable Leschenault Leisure Centre to start hosting major state and regional competitions, which is another huge bonus.”