Kalgoorlie community safety top priority for Roger Cook and WA Labor

Police Minister Paul Papalia has announced a re-elected Cook Labor Government will bolster community safety and grow local jobs in Kalgoorlie-Boulder.
  • Kalgoorlie-Boulder local jobs and community safety package builds on initiatives underway
  • WA-first incentives to recognise incredible service WA Police officers provide community
  • Only a re-elected Cook Labor Government has experience to deliver and do what’s right

Police Minister Paul Papalia has announced a re-elected Cook Labor Government will bolster community safety and grow local jobs in Kalgoorlie-Boulder.

The announcement includes $2.5 million to replace street lighting in Kalgoorlie-Boulder with more sustainable and efficient LED lights.

A re-elected Cook Labor Government will work with the City of Kalgoorlie-Boulder to roll-out the replacement program, which is expected to take about one year to deliver.

The funding will go towards the replacement of around 5,000 streetlights with LEDs, which is expected to provide more visibility and help deter antisocial behaviour and local crime while delivering average annual cost savings of $574,000, while also reducing 1,126t of carbon dioxide equivalent per year.

Roger Cook and WA Labor will also deliver WA-first police incentives to continue to grow the number of police officers in the Force and ensure they live closer to home in regional WA.

Under a re-elected Cook Labor Government, Kalgoorlie-Boulder police recruits will be provided with free and dedicated accommodation at the WA Police Academy in Perth for the duration of their six months of training.

Upon completing their training, in a WA-first, these regional graduates will be provided with a guaranteed placement in the Kalgoorlie-Boulder region, close to home for the first four to six years of their service.

For example, a Kalgoorlie-based police officer will secure guaranteed placement in the Goldfields-Esperance District.

This new suite of incentives will be in addition to a number of benefits for officers to work in regional areas including one-off incentive payments, subsidised housing and travel concessions, and specialised training.

The election commitment builds on the significant community safety infrastructure and programs already in place in Kalgoorlie-Boulder.

This includes initiatives such as:

  • Expansion of the Community Safety Program with $150,000 funding boost for the purchase of three additional community safety patrol vehicles with enhanced surveillance capabilities;
  • Rollout of Operation Regional Shield to crackdown on summer crime in the Kalgoorlie community; and
  • The introduction of the Banned Drinkers Register.

Comments attributed to Police Minister Paul Papalia:

“Community safety is at the forefront of everything we do."

“Only a re-elected Cook Labor Government has the experience and the runs on the board when it comes to bolstering community safety in our regions and suburbs."

“Our police officers do remarkable work and provide incredible public service we value. A re-elected Cook Labor Government will deliver a suite of new incentives to encourage more regional police recruits to live regionally, closer to their home, and future-proof regional policing."

Comments attributed to Kalgoorlie MLA Ali Kent:

“I’m pleased a re-elected Cook Labor Government will continue to prioritise Kalgoorlie-Boulder."

“This community safety package is on top of a range of initiatives the WA Labor Government has delivered for our community."

“Only a re-elected Cook Labor Government will deliver for Kalgoorlie-Boulder - in local jobs, community safety and growing our region for future generations.”