Liberals and Nationals still hiding their costings

The Liberals and Nationals must explain who is independently analysing the cost of their election commitments by this weekend, before Western Australians start voting on Monday.
  • Liberals and Nationals must outline who is analysing their costings by Sunday, ahead of early voting beginning on Monday
  • Analysis of Liberal and National election commitments show a net debt impact of more than $9.4 billion over the forward estimates
  • WA Treasury will today release its independent analysis of WA Labor’s second tranche of election commitments

The Liberals and Nationals must explain who is independently analysing the cost of their election commitments by this weekend, before Western Australians start voting on Monday.

Despite repeated requests to provide a list of their commitments and who will independently cost them, the Liberals and Nationals are hiding and refusing to say.

The blatant disregard and contempt for Western Australians by refusing to release their costings highlights the inexperience, chaos and dysfunction of the Liberals and Nationals.

While the Liberals and Nationals refuse to release any details about the true cost of their unsustainable election commitments, an assessment of their announced commitments made to date shows a cost of more than $9.4 billion over the forward estimates.

That level of spending is unsustainable and would force the Liberals and Nationals to break many of the commitments they’ve made, make desperate cuts to critical programs and initiatives, and run our State’s finances into the ground.

The last time the Liberals and Nationals were in Government, they pushed Western Australia’s economy into recession, with unemployment going through the roof, massive deficits, and debt skyrocketing from $3.6 billion to $44 billion.

Unlike the chaos and dysfunction of the Liberals and Nationals, WA Labor has the experience to keep our economy strong, manage the finances responsibly and create well-paid jobs for Western Australians.

This strong economic and financial management was highlighted by credit rating agency Moody’s in a report comparing states and territories just this week.

WA Treasury will today release its independent assessment of WA Labor’s second tranche of election commitments. An independent and transparent costing process provides the community with confidence the commitments being made by political parties during the campaign are sustainable and deliverable.

Comments attributed to Treasurer Rita Saffioti:

“The Liberals and Nationals are taking the WA public for a ride with their blatant refusal to have their election commitments properly costed or even release a complete list of their commitments.

“Western Australians are able start voting on Monday, and the Liberals and Nationals must be up front with Western Australians and explain who is analysing the cost of their election commitments.

“The Liberals and Nationals are making promise after promise, and now they’re left with a ballooning list of unsustainable commitments that to date will cost more than $9.4 billion over the forward estimates.

“The Liberals lack of experience is on full display. They are a risk to WA’s future.

“If they can’t keep track of their election commitments and how much they’re costing, how can they be trusted to manage our State’s economy and finances?”