In times of global challenges, WA needs experienced leadership

Since 2017, Our experienced WA Labor team has made our economy the best in the country.

We repaired the State’s finances, created local jobs, secured our GST and restored the AAA credit rating - but there is more to do with a steady hand at the wheel.

Only a Cook Labor Government will make more things here, create the jobs of the future and keep our economy strong.

Building Western Australia's future

Western Australia is the economic powerhouse of the nation. Since 2017, WA Labor has overseen the creation of more than 330,000 jobs.

We’re setting our state up for the future – with better hospitals, cheaper electricity, more housing, and an affordable world-class public transport system in METRONET.

Only WA Labor will invest in the infrastructure needed to connect our suburbs and grow our regions.

We’re taking real action on cost of living

As a Dad in Kwinana, Roger Cook understands the cost of living pressures being felt by WA families.

That’s why his team has helped ease the cost of living pressures for WA households with $2,100 in power bill credits, the WA Student Assistance Payment, capped regional airfares, and cheaper public transport fares.

Under WA Labor, Western Australia has the highest level of health funding per person of any Australia state

We’ve added over 800 new beds to the system – the equivalent of a new Fiona Stanley Hospital.

WA Labor has grown our health workforce by more than 30% with more than 4,400 new nurses and 1,800 new doctors.

And we’re building a new world-class Women and Babies Hospital in our southern suburbs.
