Premier Roger Cook has today unveiled his Vision for Bunbury, Vasse and Warren-Blackwood – a plan which builds on WA Labor’s strong record of investment and sets up the region for the future.
The Vision outlines WA Labor’s commitment to boosting housing supply and providing targeted cost of living relief, while investing in regional healthcare and keeping the economy strong.
Since coming to Government in 2017, WA Labor has created more than 330,000 jobs, with unemployment at historic lows. A re-elected Cook Labor Government will build on that work, keeping our economy strong, driving economic diversification and positioning WA’s South West as a key advanced manufacturing hub.
Strong economic management has allowed the Cook Labor Government to provide record cost of living relief, and a new WA Labor commitment to increase the value of the Regional Pensioner Travel Card by another $100 will directly benefit regional residents.
Major infrastructure projects like the Wilman Widandi Highway, Bussell Highway Duplication are completed or underway, and the Cook Labor Government will continue to prioritise regional road safety works if re-elected.
Since 2021, funding for health and mental health has risen by $14.3 billion, with more than 800 beds added across WA. WA Labor will continue to deliver a world-class healthcare system for regional WA, including a new commitment to support child and adolescent mental health in Bunbury.
A re-elected Cook Labor Government will also invest in a suite of school upgrades and refurbishments, with better facilities for kids growing up in the regions. Additionally, fee-free TAFE will continue, creating quality career opportunities for tens of thousands of Western Australians.
Community safety remains a key priority for WA Labor, with a commitment to increase the number of police officers focused on regional areas and fund new fire and emergency services infrastructure in the South West.
Projects which drive tourism jobs and support liveability will also receive additional funding. The Vision highlights how WA Labor will upgrade and improve community sporting infrastructure across the region, while enhancing the South West’s world-renowned natural assets with new trails, lookouts and boardwalks.
Comments attributed to Premier Roger Cook:
“Only a WA Labor Government will do what’s right for Bunbury, Vasse and Warren-Blackwood."
“From record investment in cost of living relief, to job creating projects and transformative infrastructure, our strong economic management means we can deliver on what matters for the regions.
“The Vision for Bunbury, Vasse and Warren-Blackwood will shape these communities, keep the region strong and prepare for the future.”
Comments attributed to Bunbury MLA Don Punch:
“The Cook Labor Government is delivering for Bunbury, with major infrastructure like the Wilman Wadandi Highway, Bunbury Regional Hospital redevelopment and Transforming Bunbury’s Waterfront project all benefitting local families and businesses."
“A re-elected Cook Labor Government will continue to build on our strong track record of supporting the people of Bunbury.”
Comments attributed to Warren-Blackwood MLA Jane Kelsbie:
“From community safety infrastructure to upgraded classrooms and school facilities, our Government is investing in the future of Warren-Blackwood."
“The Vison for Bunbury, Vasse and Warren-Blackwood will ensure our region continues to be a great place to live, work and visit for generations to come.”
Comments attributed to WA Labor’s candidate for Vasse Evan Lewis:
“The WA Labor Government is focused on what matters for the people of Vasse."
“If re-elected, our community will continue to benefit from programs which ease housing pressures, provide targeted cost of living relief and keep the economy strong.”